1980 to 1993
Greg qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Deloitte Haskins & Sells (now Deloitte) and left in 1980 to join the Chartered Loss Adjusting firm MBS Loss Adjusters (now Cunningham Lindsey). Greg was employed in the Insurance Claim Accounting Services
Division of MBS Loss Adjusters dealing mainly with the adjustment of Business Interruption, Stock and Fidelity Guarantee claims. During this time, Greg obtained the Australian Insurance Institute (now ANZIIF) qualifications and successfully
completed the UK based Chartered Loss Adjuster’s exams.
In 1988, Greg joined Deloitte’s Business Interruption Management Division. This division specialised in the provision of Material Damage, Business Interruption and Economic Loss Consulting Services. Greg was appointed as a Director of that division in
Establishment of KERR & HOLLAND
In 1994, KERR & HOLLAND was established with Daryl Holland, specialising in high quality, practical advice in the areas of Material Damage, Business Interruption, as well as Commercial Economic Loss.
Greg has predominantly been involved in commercial insurance claims including Material Damage and Business Interruption. His experience is in claim preparation, loss adjustment, litigation support, commercial economic loss and Business Interruption Policy
review. Greg has presented Business Interruption training seminars for NIBA Young Professionals, insurers and brokers.
Greg served as Chairman of the Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters Technical committee until 2002. Greg was an examiner in the subject of Business Interruption for the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters. Greg also reviewed the Business
Interruption Loss Adjustment course module FSA207 of the Diploma in Loss Adjusting for ANZIIF in 2003 and up until 2012, was an examiner for this course.